About Me

As a young girl, I found learning difficult. My parents were told by the Primary School I attended that I would not be capable of graduating from high school, let alone pursue higher education studies. My early memories of school are ones of feeling completely distressed, lost and isolated. In many ways I felt that I was fighting for survival, and in the process learnt many coping strategies. I also learnt that I am a strong person, and that through persistent effort, I could help myself. I taught myself how to focus, study and achieve.

My High School years were vastly different to my Primary School years, marked by a high level of academic success. I went on to obtain a Bachelor of Arts Degree and a Post Graduate Certificate in Education. Both certificates achieved through long distance education, whilst I worked part time, got married and started a family.
Growing up as one of the oldest in a large family, I soon realized that one of my strengths was interacting with young children. I found that helping children to learn gave me a strong sense of personal satisfaction. I also spent many hours every day locked away in my bedroom pretending to be a teacher, constructing elaborate lessons and worksheets.
I have been teaching for over 10 years now. Although I enjoyed classroom teaching, I felt a strong desire to help children who struggle in the classroom, as I once did.
Back 2 Basics Tutoring is so much more to me than just a business – it is the product of my life’s journey thus far, and passions realised.
Angela Musgrave
Bachelor of Arts
Certificate in Education – Primary/Middle